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Pre and Post Natal Training

Women need to get special care during pregnancy. During this phase exercise is must for the mother as well as the baby's growth. Moderate or low impact activities like walk, stationary cycles, yoga, swimming are effective activities during pregnancy. In each trimester, during pregnancy, woman's body continuously changes as baby grows.

Now why the pre-natal fitness is important ?

  • To increase heart health

  • To increase stamina

  • Decrease fatigue and constipation

  • Boost mood and energy levels in the body

  • Enhance sleep

  • Improve muscle strength


During the pregnancy, per day woman needs to take approximately 1800 calories in 1st trimester, 2200 calories in 2nd trimester and 2400 calories in 3rd trimester for the health of the baby. This mentioned quantity of the calories are sometimes too much for the mother as she never had it previously on the daily basis. This intake of high calories sometimes causes a lot of health problems like constipation, stomach ache, respiratory issues, back pain coz gaining weight, skin problems, possibilities of diabetes , thyroid and cholesterol issues. So in this situation she needs a certain amount of fitness and exercise where she can pass through this phase smoothly and control all the medical issues as much as possible with the help of exercise and fitness. 


During pregnancy the female body goes through a number of changes. Post natal exercise and fitness is highly required for reducing the after effects

The post delivery exercise and fitness can help : 

  • To reduce deposited fat

  • To help mother to come back to her previous daily routine

  • To reduce the risk of diabetes, thyroid, cholesterol, hormonal imbalances, joint and back pains

  • To come back in shape

  • To get back her fitness components 

(Weight loss programs are not advisable as the routine intensity and controlling  calories will create the risk for baby and mother, also affecting lactation) 

GB fitness takes special care in pre and post natal training. During the training, responsibility is not only of the pregnant women but also of the baby.  There is another way of analysis where GB Fitness monitor body changes, response of the activity, limitation of the exertion on daily basis, impact on joints and bone health, discomfort in daily bodily movements.  Then plan specific exercise so that  pregnant lady can do exercise comfortably without any over exertion and any other physiological risk. Certain activities are very effective as per the need of cardiac condition, body posture, food digestion, better sleep, to keep happy mood and for active and safe pregnancy.

After delivery there is a different route necessary to reduce fat percentage and come back in shape but of course taking care of baby and lactation. GB Fitness plans appropriate post pregnancy training where there is no negative impact on the baby and lactation..

The goal of the pre-post natal fitness is 'Happy mother and Happy child'

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